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2023, Advances in Web-Based Learning – ICWL 2023 22nd International Conference, ICWL 2023 Sydney, NSW, Australia, November 26–28, 2023 Proceedings, Pages 13-27 (volume: 14409)

AI4T: A Teacher’s Dashboard for Visual Rendering of Students’ Assignments in Massive Open Online Courses (04b Atto di convegno in volume)

Sciarrone Filippo, Paolo Sferratore Francesco, Temperini Marco

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way we do education in recent years. In fact, thanks in part to the progress of the Internet, there has been an exponential growth in courses delivered in distance mode. Among these, Massive Open Online Courses are undoubtedly those courses where the growth in enrolments has been strongest: in fact, even in universities there are distance courses with thousands of enrolments. In this scenario, it is really difficult, if not impossible, for a teacher to monitor the learning process of her/his class, unless he or she is equipped with one or more tools enabling him or her to follow the students, in their learning process, in a more analytical manner. In this paper we propose a web tool, the AI4T system, a dashboard usable as a web application, which allows the teacher, once an assignment has been assigned to her/his students, to monitor their outcomes through a representation in a two-dimensional space. We present an initial experiment with encouraging results.
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