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Information Sharing for Financial IT Infrastructure: Barriers and Opportunities - October 11th

Workshop on Information Sharing for Financial IT Infrastructure: Barriers and Opportunities
Rome ‐ October 11th, 2010
Università di Roma “La Sapienza”

Cyber Attacks are categorized as an operational risk by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision in the Basel II accord. Recent evidence of successful Internet‐based attacks and frauds involving financial institutions highlights the inadequacy of the existing protection mechanisms, in which each institution implements its own isolated monitoring and reaction strategy. With the joint advent of web 2.0, the ultra broadband and of the (private/public) cloud computing technologies, a new era is opening concerning the opportunity for groups of trusted parties for sharing, processing and correlating a huge amount of information that can be used to raise the defenses of financial institutions. However cultural, organizational and legal issues create barriers to this kind of cooperation.
The aim of the workshop is to bring together people from academia, research centers, stakeholders and regulators to analyze opportunities and risks associated with the sharing of information in the Financial IT world. Our ultimate aim is to influence decision and policy makers to take advantage of these opportunities.
The workshop will be formed in two sessions. The first one will include a series of invited presentations providing views on Information Sharing from stakeholders and regulators and conclude with a panel discussion. The second session will introduce a series of technical presentations discussing frameworks for information sharing and modeling the added value of cooperation in the Financial IT world.

8:45    Registration

OPENING SESSION: Chair Enrico Angori (Elsag Datamat)

9:30    Mario Dal Co, Technology Innovation Diffusion Agency, General Manager
Luigia Carlucci Aiello, University of Rome “La Sapienza”, Director of Department of Informatics and Systems Theory A. Ruberti
Paolo Lampariello, University of Rome “La Sapienza”, Dean of Information Engineering Faculty
Luigi Frati (to be confirmed), University of Rome “La Sapienza”, Chancellor

FIRST SESSION: Chair Prof. Roberto Baldoni (Univ. of Rome “La Sapienza”)
10:10 International Cooperation in Security Evangelos Ouzounis, ENISA ‐ Securing Europe's Information Society
10:40 Enhancing Infrastructure Security through Collaboration Brandon Wales, US Department of Homeland Security
11:10 Coffee Break
11:30 Information sharing in Italian Banking Sector: Current Initiatives and Future Perspectives Pierfrancesco Gaggi (to be confirmed), ABI – Italian Banking Association
11:45 Security Scenario from the Regulatory point of view Paolo Costanzo, Bank of Italy
12:00 Panel discussion
13:00 Lunch

SECOND SESSION: Chair Henning H. Arendt (@bc ‐ Arendt Business Consulting)

14:30 Preliminary result of the Taskforce Critical Infrastructure Protection in the EU Centre for European Policy Studies, Brussels Bernhard M. Hämmerli, Acris GmbH
14:50 Business view of CoMiFin Enrico Angori, Elsag Datamat ‐ CoMiFin Team
15:15 Scientific view of CoMiFin
          Roberto Baldoni ‐ University of Rome “La Sapienza” ‐ CoMiFin Team
          Eliezer Dekel, IBM Research ‐ CoMiFin Team
15:40 Engineering Change in Socio‐Technical Systems Robert J. Glass, Sandia Laboratories
16:05 Motivating Information Sharing in Interdependent Networks Walter E. Beyeler, Sandia
16:30 Conclusions

CONTACT: Giorgia Lodi ([email protected])


© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma