seminario pubblico di Alessandro Avenali 02/03/22 ore 9:30 (procedura valutativa per n.1 posto prof. di ruolo di I fascia - codice concorso 2021POR039 - SC 09/B3 - SSD ING-IND/35)
Alessandro Avenali
Data dell'evento:
Wednesday, 2 March, 2022 - 09:30
Aula A4, DIAG e in collegamento Zoom ID: 898 4964 4121 Passcode: 159456
Title: Allocation of public financial resources and standard costs in the Italian local public transport sector
Local public transport (LPT) operators typically operate at a deficit and require economic compensation from public authorities. In some countries, public funds are provided both at a national (centralized) level and at a regional (decentralized) level. Thus, a proper distribution of such funds should be based on a methodology that does not build differential inefficiencies across regions. In this process, the Italian industry reform requires that the main criterion of historical costs currently applied to allocate national public resources among regions should be gradually overcome in favor of principles that encourage efficiency. Based on a series of recent papers, the seminar will discuss an operative methodology which applies standard costs in the allocation of a share of the national public resources available for the LPT services to regions, with particular reference to the bus segment.
Alessandro Avenali is an Associate Professor at Sapienza University of Rome, where he obtained a Ph.D. in Operations Research in 2002. He visited DIMACS (Rutgers University, New Jersey, USA) in 2001 as a Ph.D. student. His main research interests are on economics and regulation of transport and telecommunications, with a particular focus on access conditions to enduring economic bottlenecks, cost models, allocation of public resources, auction mechanism design. He has published several papers in relevant international journals. He co-authored the paper winning the Best Overall Paper Award at the 2016 ITEA conference. He has worked as principal investigator in several research projects funded by grants from institutions and firms, such as, in particular, Italian Ministry of Infrastructure and Sustainable Mobility, Lazio Region (Mobility Department/Agency), Puglia Region (Mobility Department), Passenger Road Transport National Association, National Association of Public Operators of Transport Services, Vodafone Italia, Fastweb SpA.
mercoledì 2 marzo 2022
ore 9:30, Aula A4, DIAG
e in collegamento Zoom
ID: 898 4964 4121
Passcode: 159456
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