Control problems for environmental protection and the green transition
Alessandro Giuseppi
speaker DIAG:
Data dell'evento:
Friday, 3 December, 2021 - 11:00
Aula A2 (DIAG)
Venerdì 3 dicembre 2021 alle ore 11:00 in aula A2 del DIAG si terrà il seminario pubblico di Alessandro Giuseppi sulle sue attività di ricerca svolte e in corso di svolgimento.
Il seminario verrà tenuto In ottemperanza ai requisiti previsti dalla procedura valutativa per n.1 posto di Ricercatore a tempo determinato tipologia A - SC 09/G1 SSD ING-INF/04 - Dipartimento di Ingegneria Informatica Automatica e Gestionale "A. Ruberti", codice bando: 4/2021 del 12/10/2021,
Abstract: The European Green Deal objectives open several new challenges in the fields of smart energy management, environmental protection, smart transportation and circular economy. To facilitate the green transition, the design of new advanced control systems is required to enable new applications and services. This seminar will discuss different control problems relevant to environmental protection and the clean energy transition, focusing on three application scenarios.
(i) Demand-side management and optimal power flow in smart energy systems, enabled by the shift of paradigm that the distributed renewable sources and energy storage devices introduced in power systems. The approach to this control problem is based on Economic Model Predictive Control, a method that allows the exploitation of short-term generation and demand forecasts.
(ii) Forest protection and environmental monitoring systems, enabled by the capabilities of advanced data analysis tools. The designed system integrates Deep Neural Networks into a control system to monitor a protected area.
(iii) Communication networks, as robust and reliant communications enable advanced services and allow service provision in remote areas. The distributed control law proposed has been developed from Lyapunov arguments and was proven to steer the network towards a non-cooperative equilibrium.
Short Bio: Alessandro Giuseppi was born in 1992 and received from the University of Rome “La Sapienza” his M.Sc. degree in Control Engineering in 2016 and his Ph.D. in Automatica in 2019. Since 2016, he has participated in 8 EU and National funded research projects and several other applied research studies, mostly in the field of network control and intelligent control system. He is currently collaborating with the no-profit research consortium CRAT, where he managed several research actions in the Horizon 2020 programme. He received the awards “Premio Minerva - Engineering”, from the “Fondazione Roma Sapienza” for his research activities during the PhD, and the Telespazio Technology contest 2020 (#T-TeC), for proposing an innovative scientific application in the aerospace field. He is currently serving as an associate editor for the International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems (Springer). He authored about 40 papers in international journals and conferences.
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