Elections for new student representatives in the Department Board and in the Degree Programme Boards (Cds) and Educational Area (CAD) of the Department have been called as listed below. The term of office shall run from the date on which the representatives are appointed (art.7) and shall last three years.
Elections will be held following the calendar below:
● 30 June 2021 from 8:00 to 16:00. Elections of representatives for the Computer Science Engineering Educational Board
● 1 July 2021 from 8:00 to 16:00. Elections of representatives for the Management Engineering Educational Board
● 2 July 2021 from 8:00 to 16:00. Elections of representatives for the Control Engineering Degree Programme
● 5 July 2021 from 8:00 to 16:00. Elections of representatives for the Data Science Degree Programme
● 6 July 2021 from 8:00 to 16:00. Elections of representatives for the Department Board
Who can vote: students enrolled, at the date when the elections have been called, in the current academic year (both those enrolled within the standard term of the degree programme and beyond the allotted time to attain the degree) in one of the Department bachelor’s or master’s degree programmes.
Who can stand for elections: students who, at the date when the elections have been called, are regularly enrolled, up to the first year beyond the allotted time to attain the degree (and if so, only for the first time), in the bachelor’s or master’s degree programme for which they intend to stand for elections.
Exceptions: together with the subjects referred to in article 9 of the Ethical Code (“Codice Etico”), students enrolled in years following the first year of enrolment cannot vote or stand for elections if they have not passed at least one exam in the last three years.
Student representatives for the Department Board
Who can vote: students enrolled, at the date when the elections have been called, in the current academic year (both those enrolled within the standard term of the degree programme and beyond the allotted time to attain the degree) in one of the Department bachelor’s or master’s degree programmes and PhDs.
Who can stand for elections: students enrolled, at the date when the elections have been called, in one of the Department PhDs within the standard term of the programme and students enrolled up to the first year beyond the allotted time to attain the degree (and if so, only for the first time) in one of the Department’s master’s degrees who passed at least one exam in the last three years.
Exceptions: together with the subjects referred to in article 9 of the Ethical Code (“Codice Etico”), students enrolled in years following the first year of enrolment cannot vote or stand for elections if they have not passed at least one exam in the last three years.
Voters list – The list of the students who have the right to vote is prepared by the Department Director and published on the Department website and Degree Programmes websites at least 15 days before the elections.
All further information is indicated in the call for applications that may be downloaded here