Analysis of the structural properties of time--delay systems affected by constant commensurate delays
Claudia Califano
speaker DIAG:
Data dell'evento:
Friday, 21 June, 2019 - 14:30
Aula A2, DIAG
La dottoressa Claudia Califano, vincitrice della procedura valutativa PA a n. 2 posti presso il Dipartimento di Ingegneria Informatica, Automatica e Gestionale "A. Ruberti", Settore Concorsuale 09/G1, SSD ING-INF/04 - codice concorso 2018PAR044, bandito con Decreto Rettorale 2843/2018 del 26.11.18, i cui atti sono stati approvati con Decreto Rettorale n. 1859/2019 del 17.06.19, terrà presso questo dipartimento un seminario sulle attività di ricerca da lei svolte e in corso di svolgimento, come previsto dagli adempimenti richiesti per la chiamata da parte del Consiglio di dipartimento. Il seminario avrà luogo venerdì 21 Giugno 2019 alle ore 14:30 in Aula A2, DIAG, via Ariosto 25.
Time-delay systems are modeled by ordinary differential equations which involve delayed variables. They are frequently encountered in many applications for instance in biology or biomedical systems, in telerobotics, teleoperations and in networked control systems. The literature on time delay systems is extensive, and concerns mainly stabilization problems. The analysis of the structural properties of this class of systems is less developed, both with respect to the delay-free case and the linear case. Even fundamental properties such as accessibility or observability and related design problems are far from being completely understood. The focus of this talk is on a new methodology, that we recently introduced in the literature and which has allowed to obtain interesting results in the analysis of the structural properties of time--delay systems affected by constant commensurate delays. The talk will end with an overview on ongoing and future research topics.
Claudia Califano has received the PhD in "Ingegneria dei Sistemi" from the University of Rome La Sapienza in 1998. In 1999 she was awarded a CNR-NATO fellowship and a CNR grant thanks to which she has held a post-doc position at the Laboratoire des Signaux et Systèmes - CNRS -Supelec - Gif Sur Yvette (France), from 1999 to 2000. From 2000 she has been assistant professor at the University of Rome la Sapienza. She has held several visiting positions at IRCCyN, Ecole Centrale de Nantes and University of Nantes, France starting from 2009 . In April 2017 she received the “ASN” in the scientific field ING-INF04. She is currently lecturer for the undergraduate course on System Theory and for the graduate course on Digital Control systems at the University of Rome La Sapienza. She is Senior Member of the IEEE Control System Society; since 2012 she is a member of the CSS Technical Committee on Nonlinear Systems and Control. Since 2016 she is Associate Editor for IEEE CSS Conference Editorial Board, and in 2017 Technical Associate Editor for the 20th IFAC World Congress. In 2017 she was member of the IPC of CODIT 2017. Since 2012 she is member of the IFAC Technical Committee “Nonlinear Control Systems”, and Vice Chair for Education starting from 2017. Since 2014 she is in the Editorial Board of IMA Mathematical Control and Information Journal. Her research interests concern nonlinear systems, with a particular emphasis on systems affected by delays, and include, observers design, structural properties, feedback linearization.
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