Pubblicazioni di Ausiello Giorgio
Ausiello Giorgio, Franciosa Paolo Giulio, Lari Isabella, Ribichini Andrea
Ausiello Giorgio, Franciosa Paolo G., Lari Isabella, Ribichini Andrea
Max flow vitality in general and st‐planar graphs. NETWORKS 2019: 70-78
Ausiello Giorgio, Franciosa Paolo Giulio, G. F. Italiano, Ribichini Andrea
On Resilient Graph Spanners. ALGORITHMICA 2016: 1363-1385
Ausiello Giorgio, Franciosa Paolo Giulio, Giuseppe Francesco Italiano, Ribichini Andrea
On resilient graph spanners. LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCEAlgorithms - ESA 2013 2013: 85-96
On-Line Algorithms. Paradigms of Combinatorial Optimization: Problems and New Approaches 2013: 473-509
Ausiello Giorgio, Donatella Firmani, Laura Luigi
The (betweenness) centrality of critical nodes and network cores. Proceedings of the 9th International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference 2013: 90-95
Ausiello Giorgio, Demetrescu Camil, Finocchi Irene, Firmani Donatella
K-calling context profiling. Proceedings of the Conference on Object-Oriented Programming Systems, Languages, and Applications, OOPSLA 2012: 867-877
Ausiello Giorgio, N. Boria, A. Giannakos, G. Lucarelli, V. Th Paschos
Online maximum k-coverage. DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS 2012: 1901-1913
Ausiello Giorgio, D. Firmani, Laura Luigi
Real-time Analysis of Critical Nodes in Network Cores. IWCMC 2012 - 8th International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference 2012: 42-46
Ausiello Giorgio, Firmani Donatella, Laura Luigi
Ausiello Giorgio, G. F. Italiano, Laura Luigi, Nanni Umberto, F. Sarracco
Structure theorems for optimum hyperpaths in directed hypergraphs. Combinatorial Optimization - Second International Symposium, ISCO 2012, Athens, Greece, April 19-21, 2012, Revised Selected Papers. 2012: 1-14
Ausiello Giorgio, D. Firmani, Laura Luigi
Real-time Anomalies Detection and Analysis of Network Structure, with application to the Autonomous System Network.. Proceedings of the 7th International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference 2011: 1575-1579
Ausiello Giorgio, Franciosa Paolo Giulio, Italiano GIUSEPPE FRANCESCO, Ribichini Andrea
Computing Graph Spanners in Small Memory: Fault-Tolerance and Streaming. LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCEProceedings of 16th Annual International Conference on Computing and Combinatorics, COCOON 2010 2010: 160-172
Ausiello Giorgio, Ribichini Andrea, Franciosa Paolo Giulio, Italiano GIUSEPPE FRANCESCO
Computing graph spanners in small memory: fault-tolerance and streaming. DISCRETE MATHEMATICS, ALGORITHMS AND APPLICATIONS 2010: 591-605
Ausiello Giorgio, Demetrescu Camil, Franciosa Paolo Giulio, Italiano GIUSEPPE FRANCESCO, Ribichini Andrea
Graph Spanners in the Streaming Model: An Experimental Study. ALGORITHMICA 2009: 346-374
Ausiello Giorgio, N. Bourgeois, A. Giannakos, Paschos V. T. H.
Greedy Algorithms for On-Line Set-Covering. ALGORITHMIC OPERATIONS RESEARCH 2009: 36-48
Ausiello Giorgio, B. Escoffier, J. Monnot, Paschos V. T. H.
Re-optimization of minimum and maximum traveling salesman’s tours. JOURNAL OF DISCRETE ALGORITHMS 2009: 453-463
Ausiello Giorgio, Franciosa Paolo Giulio, Italiano GIUSEPPE FRANCESCO
Small stretch (α, β)-spanners in the streaming model. THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCE 2009: 3406-3413
Ausiello Giorgio, Luca Allulli, Bonifaci Vincenzo, Laura Luigi
On the power of lookahead in on-line server routing problems. THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCE 2008: 116-128
Ausiello Giorgio, Bonifaci Vincenzo, Laura Luigi
The on-line asymmetric traveling salesman problem. JOURNAL OF DISCRETE ALGORITHMS 2008: 290-298
Ausiello Giorgio, Bonifaci Vincenzo, Laura Luigi
The online Prize-Collecting Traveling Salesman Problem. INFORMATION PROCESSING LETTERS 2008: 199-204
Ausiello Giorgio, V. T. Paschos
Differential ratio approximation. Approximation Algorithms and Metaheuristics 2007: 16.1-16.16
Ausiello Giorgio, Bonifaci Vincenzo, Leonardi Stefano, MARCHETTI SPACCAMELA Alberto
Prize collecting traveling salesman and related problems Approximation Algorithms and Metaheuristics
ISBN/ISSN: ISBN-. Hndbook of Approximation Algorithms and Metaheuristics 2007: 40.1-40.13
Ausiello Giorgio, Demetrescu Camil, Franciosa Paolo Giulio, Italiano GIUSEPPE FRANCESCO, Ribichini Andrea
Small stretch spanners in the streaming model: New algorithms and experiments. LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCEProceedings of the 15th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms 2007: 605-617
Ausiello Giorgio, T. Giannakos, Paschos V. T. H.
Greedy algorithms for the on line set covering and other problems. Proceedings of CATS 2006 - CRPIT 2006: 145-151
Ausiello Giorgio, V. Th Paschos
Reductions, completeness and the hardness of approximability. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH 2006: 719-739
Reoptimization of minimum and maximum traveling salesman's tours. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2006: 196-207
Ausiello Giorgio, Franciosa Paolo Giulio, Giuseppe F. Italiano
Small stretch spanners on dynamic graphs. JOURNAL OF GRAPH ALGORITHMS AND APPLICATIONS 2006: 365-385
Ausiello Giorgio, Becchetti Luca
Algorithmes 'on-line'. Optimisation combinatoire 2. Concepts avancés 2005: 249-286
Ausiello Giorgio, Cristina Bazgan, Marc Demange, Vangelis T. H. Paschos
Completeness in differential approximation classes. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FOUNDATIONS OF COMPUTER SCIENCE 2005: 1267-1295
On the Power of Lookahead in On-line Vehicle Routing Problems. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2005: 728-736
Ausiello Giorgio, Bonifaci V, Laura L.
On-line algorithms for the Asymmetric Traveling Salesman Problem. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2005: 306-317
Ausiello Giorgio, Franciosa Paolo Giulio, Daniele Frigioni
Partially dynamic maintenance of minimum weight hyperpaths. JOURNAL OF DISCRETE ALGORITHMS 2005: 27-46
Ausiello Giorgio, Paschos V. T. H.
Réductions préservant l'approximabilité. Optimisation combinatoire 2. Concepts avancès. 2005: 59-90
Ausiello Giorgio, M. Demange, Laura Luigi, V. Paschos
Algorithms for the On Line Quota Traveling Salesman Problem. INFORMATION PROCESSING LETTERS 2004: 89-94
Ausiello Giorgio, Bonifaci Vincenzo, Laura Luigi
On explorers, chasers, and cameramen. FUN 2004 2004: 287-294
Ausiello Giorgio, C. Bazgan, M. Demange, V. Paschos
Completeness in Differential Approximation Classes. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2003: 179-188
Ausiello Giorgio, D'Amore Fabrizio, Gambosi G.
Linguaggi, Modelli, Complessità. 2003: -
Ausiello Giorgio, E. Feuerstein, Leonardi Stefano, L. Stougie, M. Talamo
Algorithms for the on-line travelling salesman. ALGORITHMICA 2001: 560-581
Ausiello Giorgio, Franciosa Paolo Giulio, Daniele Frigioni
Directed hypergraphs: problems, algorithmic results, and a novel decremental approach. Proceedings of 7th Italian Conference Theoretical Computer Science, ICTCS 2001 2001: 312-328
Ausiello Giorgio, Leonardi Stefano, MARCHETTI SPACCAMELA A.
On salesmen, repairmen, spiders and other traveling agents. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1767 2000: 1-16
Ausiello Giorgio, Crescenzi P. A., Gambosi G., Kann V., MARCHETTI SPACCAMELA Alberto, Protasi M.
Ausiello Giorgio, L. Cabibbo, In , A. CARSETTI E. D., Kluwer
Expressiveness and complexity of formal systems. FUNCTIONAL MODELS OF COGNITION 1999: -
Ausiello Giorgio, G. F. Italiano, Nanni Umberto
Hypergraph Traversal Revisited: Cost Measures and Dynamic Algorithms. 23rd Int. Symp. on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (MFCS) 1998: 1-16
Ausiello Giorgio, R. Giaccio
On-line algorithms for satisfiability problems with uncertainty. THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCE 1997: 3-24
Ausiello Giorgio, P. L. Crescenzi, M. Protasi
Approximate solution of NP optimization problems. THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCE 1995: 1-55
Ausiello Giorgio, M. Protasi
Local search, reducibility and approximability of NP optimization problems. INFORMATION PROCESSING LETTERS 1995: 73-79